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[color=#151D2A][font=Arial][size=2]Estuve leyendo el siguiente libro:[b] [url=""][color=#262626]Get in the Groove: A Beginner's Guide to Vinyl in the21st Century[/color][/url][/b][/size][/font][/color][b][color=#262626][font=Arial][size=2] by Michael Waehner [/size][/font][/color][/b][color=#262626][font=Arial][size=2]y en una sección describe como el hace la limpieza de vinilos. Queríacompartir esta cita para los que no tienen ganas de gastarse un platal en unlimpia disco automático. Además para abrir una discusión de las distintasformas de limpiar y para saber que les parece el método de nuestro amigoMichael. Lamentablemente esta sólo en inglés pero en este foro no creo que seaun problema. Saludos[/size][/font][/color][color=#151D2A][font=Arial][size=2][/size][/font][/color]

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[b][color=#262626][font=Georgia][size=2]CleaningRecords[/size][/font][/color][/b][color=#1D1D1D][font=Georgia][size=2] You’ve gotyour new records home, now it’s time to clean them. I can’t say this enoughtimes: you should clean every record before you play it. If you play a dirtyrecord, you can do permanent damage. A clean record is a happy listener. Thereare a couple levels of cleaning, and I will approach them from smallest tolargest. After any cleaning other than routine dusting, always put a recordinto a brand new sleeve. Whatever crud was on that record is also coating theinside of the old sleeve; often the sleeve has been deteriorating and causingsome of the debris. You wouldn’t put your work clothes back on after a shower,so don’t put a clean record back into its filthy old sleeve. You can get newsleeves in bulk online or at your record store for pennies apiece; stock up anduse one for every used record you get. Routine [b]Dusting:[/b] A record should be dusted every time you take it out ofits sleeve. This is a means of protection for the record and the needle. Todust a record, you need a microfiber brush designed for it—these are readilyavailable online for about $25. You need microfiber because a record groove isfractions of a millimeter thick, and you’re trying to sweep dust from both thesurface of the record and the bottom of the groove. To dust a record, switchyour platter on and, without putting the needle on, apply your brush perpendicularto the grooves. Put on enough pressure to make full contact, but not enough tostop your platter. After a pass or two over the whole surface, sweep off gentlyto the side. If you lift the brush up and off, you’ll probably leave a line ofdust behind. This process should also remove some static electricity,decreasing some background crackle. Dusting is very easy and should simplybecome a part of your listening habit. Every time you flip to a new side, dustit. It takes a few seconds and improves your sound incredibly.[/size][/font][/color][color=#262626][font=Arial][size=2][/size][/font][/color]

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[b][color=#1D1D1D][font=Georgia][size=2]SimpleCleaning:[/size][/font][/color][/b][color=#1D1D1D][font=Georgia][size=2] Routinedusting is for records you have already cleaned yourself. Simple cleaning isfor any newly acquired used record. Some advise cleaning brand new sealedrecords before their first play; I find that dusting is usually sufficient fornew records. But a used record I always clean first. For simple cleaning on abudget, you need a kit; if you’rea more moneyed audiophile, you’ll probably getyourself a vacuum machine. A record cleaning kit consists of a record brush, abottle of cleaning solution and a stiff brush brush (that is, a brush thatcleans the vinyl brush). To clean a record, you turn on your platter withoutthe needle like you did to dust one. Put a bit of solution on one side of therecord brush (the directions will tell you how much) and apply that side to therecord. After a revolution or two, gently rotate the brush to the dry side tosoak up the solution still on the record (along with lots of dust and dirt).Use the stiff brush brush toget the dirt off the vinyl brush, and you’re done.Let it dry a moment before playing it. Plenty of people advise you to playvinyl while it’s still wet to reduce surface noise. It’s bad advice: you’ll getless noise, but less sound quality as well, and you’ll damage the grooves. Avacuum machine works on the same principle: it will have its own enclosure tospin the record, a brush that will clean the record, and a cleaning solution.The difference is that, insteadof wiping off the solution, a vacuum will suckthe wetness and grime away, which gives a better clean. Such machines are farmore effective than a cleaning kit, and usually automatic, but they are muchmore expensive and space consuming. After a cleaning, you should dust therecord as well before playingit. The cleaning brush will leave some stuff behindthat your duster can protect you from. [/size][/font][/color][color=#262626][font=Arial][size=2][/size][/font][/color]

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[b][color=#262626][font=Georgia][size=2]IntenseCleaning:[/size][/font][/color][/b][color=#1D1D1D][font=Georgia][size=2] In many casesa simple cleaning, whether done by hand or with a machine, barely touches thescum accumulated on your record. This is no time to trust anyone but yourself.No machine in the world can match what you can do with a little elbow grease.The following technique has been culled and modified from various sources,primarily Michael Wayne’s article “The Most Comprehensive Record CleaningArticle Ever!” originally published in Michael Fremer’s analog magazine TheTracking Angle and now available online at his excellent Analog Planet website.Consult the source if you’d like to see how the fussiest of audiophiles do it.My own method is somewhat more approachable. I start with a turntable and aspray bottle full of homemade record cleaning fluid. My recipe is 3 partsdistilled water, 1 part isopropyl alcohol with a few drops of dishwashingdetergent (make sure it’s the pure stuff, no additives). You may consult theInternet for a plenty more recipes, though they all have pretty much the sameingredients. You want distilled water because regular water has minerals, whichleaves residue. I put a bit of distilled water in a cup with a new,soft-bristled toothbrush. I start the turntable spinning (stylus disabled, ofcourse) and spray the record a few times with cleaning solution. I then apply abit of pressure with the wet toothbrush, starting from the inside of therecord. All I’m trying to do with the toothbrush is work up a lather—you mightalso get a little bit of dirt off on the brush, which is why it’s a good ideato rinse the toothbrush in the cup of water often. I pick up the toothbrushevery time I intend to move it and put it straight back down. The less lateralmotion on the part of the brush, the less risk of leaving scuffs. Once theentire record has been lathered with thetoothbrush (there should be bubbles onthe surface), it’s time to switch to cotton pads. Most effective are the littlecotton pads sold in drugstores for removing makeup. You can use cotton balls,but you’ll have to use more of them.I take one cotton pad and apply it to thesurface of the record, again starting on the inside. I let the record revolve afew times under it then pick it up.This is the step that really removes gunk:if you’re doing it right, you should see a dark line on the pad. The line canbe black, brown, yellow, what have you. I throw that pad away—you don’t wantany chance of that scum getting backon the record. I use another (hey, they’recheap) to do the next section. When I’m finished, I inspect the side, and 90%of the time I decide to repeat thewhole process. I can remove about 8 padsworth of crap off of one really dirty side. Once I finish, I repeat with theother side, let it dry for a few hoursto be safe, dust it and play it. Again,some of the crud on your record will have irreparably damaged it. But with thismethod you can see the results plainly, and you know you’ve gotten everythingoff when your cotton pads startcoming up empty. Plus the supplies cost you acouple bucks at a drugstore. [/size][/font][/color][color=#262626][font=Arial][size=2][/size][/font][/color]

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[b][color=#1D1D1D][font=Georgia][size=2]Cleaning theStylus:[/size][/font][/color][/b][color=#1D1D1D][font=Georgia][size=2] Your styluswill accrue detritus as you play records. Some of it is dust and grime that hasescaped your cleaning, and some is a slight residue of melted vinyl that buildsup—never underestimate what the heat and pressure of a stylus does duringplayback. You can extend the life of your stylus and your records by cleaningthe stylus often. Some people do it between every side; I do it every few sidesbecause I’m not that patient. Every stylus cleaning kit has slightly differentdirections, so you should follow them, but here’s the basic overview. Youshould have a tiny bristled brush anda bottle of solution. You put a few dropsof solution on the brush, carefully brush the stylus a few times in a back tofront motion, and rinse the brush.You should have a magnifying glass handy toexamine your stylus. Cleaning is a good opportunity to examine the alignment ofyour stylus—if the cantilever has become bent somehow, you’ll need to replaceit quickly.[/size][/font][/color]

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