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Scanner Portatil


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El otro día en Falaferia TV mostraron este scanner, será weno?

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Chaz Graciaz :)

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Caca... olvídalo.

- I took the liberty of selling off her furniture, crockery and clothes... which cleared off her debt completely. Let me see... A shilling over.

- A poor wage for a lifetime's drudgery.

- Very true, miss. This is a veil of tears.


Mary Reilly (1996)  

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[quote name='hÉROES' date='01 September 2011 - 10:32 PM' timestamp='1314927133' post='83335']
Claro y conciso don Paci :lol:

Lo queria pa' ir a la biblioteca nacional a escanear unas revistas de cine antiguas que no tengo :P

Sí... a primera vista parece un gran invento, pero es caro, malo, lento, y no saca ni un documento bien, así que :zippytanax: Tuve uno parecido, y la verdad que no dió buen resultado nunca.

- I took the liberty of selling off her furniture, crockery and clothes... which cleared off her debt completely. Let me see... A shilling over.

- A poor wage for a lifetime's drudgery.

- Very true, miss. This is a veil of tears.


Mary Reilly (1996)  

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