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Power Transformer Review


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Como saben el Power Transformer de mi amplificador se rompio ,hice contacto via email y por telefono a varias compañias, solo tres de las muchas que contacte hacen transformadores custom en USA de cualquier tamaño y configuracion a un precio bastante bueno y segun comentarios en internet son de buena calidad en sus productos.

Estas son las tres .................y pueden ser [b] Stand Up[/b] or [b]Lay Down[/b] los transformadores.

[b]Heyboer transformers[/b]

Le agregan electrostatic shield.

[b]Edcor Electronics Corporation[/b]

No le ponen electrostatic shield pero si un copper shield over the outside of the windings con un costo adicional de 10.00 dolares mas cobran el diseño por 40.00 dolares.

[b]Mercury Magnetics[/b](Hablan Español)

Son el doble mas caro que los dos de arriba y ponen electrostatic shield ,si se le manda el transformador de tu ampli te lo hacen igual para que todo encaje bien a la hora de ponerlo.

Les dejo un link de un review sobre estas tres compañias y mas ,tiene varias paginas.



Y recuerda Dios esta contigo ,quien contra ti.?

Saludos :)

Otras compañias...........


Editado por juliovideo

Lee laboratory Cruiser Model 50 Tube Amplifier (PP KT88) - XiangSheng Tube DAC-01A PreAmp - Dynaco Pat4 PreAmp - Panasonic DMP BD60 - HD Tuner DaySequerra M4.0X - ART CleanBOXPRO - Antenna (HD FM/DIGIWAVE 8001 Omni) & (HD FM/Stereo 1/2 Wave Dipole)Outdoor - Speakers DIY - all Cables DIY - Furman Power Conditioner Heavy Duty.


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[b]Is there a standard scheme for power transformer wire colors?

From Orr's Radio Handbook:[/b]

Primary leads -------------- black
(if tapped)
Common ----------------- black
Tap -------------------- black/yellow
End -------------------- black/red

High voltage secondary ----- red
Center tap ------------- red/yellow

Rectifier filament winding - yellow
Center tap ------------- yellow/blue

Filament winding No. 1 ----- green
Center tap ------------- green/yellow

Filament winding No. 2 ----- brown
Center tap ------------- brown/yellow

Filament winding No. 3 ----- slate
Center tap ------------- slate/yellow

I have seen primaries with other color schemes; if it includes black it should be a primary lead of some sort. I've seen transformers with only one filament winding that was brown. I've seen high voltage secondaries with red/white centers. And on old transformers, the colors may have faded to the point brown looks black or green looks black or brown, and so forth. I'm not aware of any standard for filament winding numbering, so if there is more than one, verify the voltages. The rectifier winding will normally be 5 volts, but again, verify it. If you have an old tranny with odd or indistinguishable colors on the leads, verify them. In fact, it's a good idea to verify any PT before using, just to be safe. Miswirings are, AFAIK, rare, but do occur, as do shorts.



Editado por juliovideo

Lee laboratory Cruiser Model 50 Tube Amplifier (PP KT88) - XiangSheng Tube DAC-01A PreAmp - Dynaco Pat4 PreAmp - Panasonic DMP BD60 - HD Tuner DaySequerra M4.0X - ART CleanBOXPRO - Antenna (HD FM/DIGIWAVE 8001 Omni) & (HD FM/Stereo 1/2 Wave Dipole)Outdoor - Speakers DIY - all Cables DIY - Furman Power Conditioner Heavy Duty.


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Otro review , [b]Mercury magnetics compared to Heyboer[/b]



Editado por juliovideo

Lee laboratory Cruiser Model 50 Tube Amplifier (PP KT88) - XiangSheng Tube DAC-01A PreAmp - Dynaco Pat4 PreAmp - Panasonic DMP BD60 - HD Tuner DaySequerra M4.0X - ART CleanBOXPRO - Antenna (HD FM/DIGIWAVE 8001 Omni) & (HD FM/Stereo 1/2 Wave Dipole)Outdoor - Speakers DIY - all Cables DIY - Furman Power Conditioner Heavy Duty.


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