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i prefer analogues

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Todo lo que i prefer analogues posteó

  1. Creo que si hablas de 50 palos y más y de eso pasamos a 1.2 palos, que es menos del doble de lo que cuesta un iphone que muchos que ganan 300 lucas tienen (sin juzgar escala de prioridades), siempre va a ser necesario el dinero, está de perogruyo... ahora, para el el caso que propones, siempre podría echar a volar la imaginación, pero la yerba también se paga... Así que tú ganas [emoji16] Enviado desde mi LG-H870 mediante Tapatalk
  2. Grande Mariano Enviado desde mi LG-H870 mediante Tapatalk
  3. Yo con 1.2M puedo armar un equipo que suene a toda raja, el problema es que no serán de marcas esotéricas, ni lujosos, quizás hasta feos, entonces muchos descartan ese tipo de opciones. A veces tengo la impresión de que la música y el audio en general con muchos audiófilos está en segundo orden e imperan otros criterios como el WAF o la cuestión social de impresionar a otros o pertenecer a un club selecto, por ahí me explico que un forero más arriba comente "erróneamente a mi parecer" que el término la "oreja manda es elitista". En las circunstancias anteriores la oreja no cuenta necesariamente y se produce un efecto placebo muchas veces. Hay cosas muy buenas a precios "honestos" que muchos no estarían dispuestos siquiera a darles una oportunidad en una audición y otras avaladas por reviews de fulanito tanto con un precio de lista que duelen las muelas y correrán a escucharlos y puede sonar como el copi, pero todos lo van a encontrar bueno o dudarán en criticarlo; mientras que en la misma audición al humilde, honesto y cumplidor sistema lo escucharán la mitad de interesados o más bien conversarán mientras éste se muestra, otros se fumarán un pucho o saldrán a tomar aire... En audio high end, la vista y el pedigree mandan más que la oreja ciertamente. Chucha, me puse clasista
  4. El placer y disfrute por la música y los sonidos me ha acompañado desde la infancia, por eso acabé en esto, pero aún en mis tiempos de mayor inopia como escolar o estudiante universitario siempre disfrute con lo que tuve a mano, fuera un 3 en 1, la radio saba de mis abuelos, un walkman o en su defecto encontrar la manera de ir a lugares a oír música en vivo. A los 19 años hice un viaje por tierra a Brasil y me llevé mi walkman y una bolsa con unos 40 cassettes, qué manera de gozar en el camino con la música. Es tan así que en la medida que vaya perdiendo capacidad auditiva iré dejando partir el sistema que tengo y me quedaré con lo que sea acorde no a mis capacidades económicas, sino a lo que me baste en ese momento según mis capacidades auditivas, porque para mí la música y el audio no es una experiencia social ni visual, más bien todo lo contrario, bastante solitaria e introspectiva a menos que ocurra el milagro de que me acompañe en algún momento alguien con el mismo espíritu. Enviado desde mi LG-H870 mediante Tapatalk
  5. Jajaja, está excelente la comparación sobre los informes jajaja Acerca de lo otro, no comenzaré la guerra santa, en foros de otros países ha quedado la cagá... Pero, si bien es cierto que son datos binarios, la calidad de la lectura de estos en mayor o menor medida está dada por el buen estado y almacenamiento del medio físico, la calidad del láser ( por ejemplo el transporte cdm 1 en la unidad láser sus cristales son hechos por rodenstock, mientras que otros son hasta plásticos). La pérdida de información por culpa de una lectura deficiente generará interpolación en el caso que el aparato tenga la capacidad para llevarla a cabo y "salvar la situación" rellenando binariamente la información faltante. Entonces si a través del Clarifier se pudiera ayudar a que la información binaria pueda ser extraida de manera íntegra, entonces podría ser que colabore. En cualquier caso son herramientas que de llegar a incidir sólo tendrán la posibilidad de mostrarse en sistemas de alto grado. A estas alturas ya hay muchas cosas que no desestimo como hace 10 ó más años atrás. Hay cosas tan inexplicables o más bien díficiles de sostener con la lógica, pero que sin embargo resultan ser ciertas. Por ejemplo en esto de transferencia de datos binarios, me ha quedado más que claro que no es lo mismo, un cable usb cualquiera, tampoco un cable de red cualquiera, ni que cualquier óptico toslink dé lo mismo y ni hablar de un coaxial. Entonces la lectura que hace un láser del medio físico por qué tendría que dar lo mismo?. El magnetismo y la estática (un generador de iones negativos ayuda bastante) huevean harto en audio. Una cinta magnética que contiene datos binarios también se corrompe por el fenómeno, claro que allí ciertamente existe un contacto físico... En fin, al menos para los que gustan tanto de los instrumentos de medición, Bedini lo demostró instrumentalmente... En el caso de un disco duro, supongo que estos están blindados con cajas de zinc, si es así es para blindarlos del magnetismo entre otras cosas, además los DD son más susceptibles a magnetismo que un cd por el material del que están hecho, por eso si puedo, prefiero usar un DD de estado sólido a un HDD que además tiene una lectura mecánica. Acerca del los HDD, no se podría perder info de los HDD, pero si dañarlos mecánicamente por "muy fuertes" campos magnéticos debido a que están bastante bien protegidos (aislamiento). There's a seriously strong magnet pair inside your hard disk to actuate the 'voice coil'. However the layout is designed so that there's a VERY strong field between the parallel magnets and less outside. The presence of magnets inside a hard disk may not necessarily mean that its safe. Someone's tried this at kj magnetics (link stolen from Michael Frank's comments, with his permission) and found that it didn't really wipe data. They tried a range of magnets, and as a magnet retailer, they probably have the good stuff. I assumed that the casing of the hard drive would provide some degree of shielding, but the link reports that there might have been some deflection of the hard drive platters with stronger magnets. If you put the powerful enough magnet in the right place, you might cause a head crash, which is very very fun. However the data itself seemed to be fine - and the explanation is that in creating smaller and smaller magnetic domains, they needed materials that were harder to 'flip' the magnetic state of by accident (so higher coercivity). As such they're also more resistant to magnets than older media. Guttmann's paper on secure deletion of data has a nice table of these Typical Media Coercivity Figures ______________________________________ Medium |Coercivity 5.25" 360K floppy disk |300 Oe 5.25" 1.2M floppy disk |675 Oe 3.5" 720K floppy disk |300 Oe 3.5" 1.44M floppy disk |700 Oe 3.5" 2.88M floppy disk |750 Oe 3.5" 21M floptical disk |750 Oe Older (1980's) hard disks |900-1400 Oe Newer (1990's) hard disks |1400-2200 Oe 1/2" magnetic tape |300 Oe 1/4" QIC tape |550 Oe 8 mm metallic particle tape |1500 Oe DAT metallic particle tape |1500 Oe Which pretty clearly reflects why a old school floppy disk or tape was more susceptible to this kind of thing, and a modern HDD is not. Its plausible modern drives may have even higher coercivity. That said, your laptop itself has a certain degree of magnetic shielding (your HDD caddy is sheet steel probably and there's a lot of metal panels and frames in a laptop. Chances are any magnet powerful enough to nuke your HDD would also be dangerous, and possibly cause your brother to loose a finger or two by accident when it gets attracted to something solid and steel, or worse another magnet. So... your brother should not be playing with magnets if they are strong enough to wipe your hard drive. However I'd be worried about your brother's fingers more than the hard drive. There is however a way to destroy electrical components with a magnet. With a strong enough moving magnetic field, you might just might induce a current strong enough to burn out some component. Once again, this would need a VERY strong current, and very specific circumstances. As a kid, I once blew out a PSU by moving a pair of hard disk magnets along the power cord. Not recommended. I leave it as an exercise to the reader to see if they can turn a door into a giant degausser or cause a head crash with a magnet on a HDD. Chances are, its unlikely the regular household magnets you'd find commonly would do any harm. En cuanto a transmisión de datos binaria, no sé cuán afectada puede estar por campos magnéticos la wifi o bluethooth, pero me imagino que lo está. Por último, los master cd musicales para impresión de copias comerciales, después de unos cuantos miles de copias se destruyen ya que van perdiendo fidelidad... raro, sólo siendo un medio físico que contiene 0 y 1's Enviado desde mi LG-H870 mediante Tapatalk
  6. Le voy a echar un vistazo, me cagué de la risa con el convertidor estéreo a mono [emoji122] Enviado desde mi LG-H870 mediante Tapatalk
  7. Me gustaría en buena saber por qué te parece clasista, ya que he leído eso antes y no lo comprendo?. Si se aplicara una analogía, entonces sería clasista tener buena vista y poder ser piloto de la fuerza aérea, tener buenos reflejos y ser campeón de ping pong o de automovilismo, haber sido alto y poder jugar basketball... Habría que echarle la culpa a Dios o a quién sabe quién si eres ateo o agnóstico, pero al clasismo por tener buena audición? Enviado desde mi LG-H870 mediante Tapatalk
  8. En teoría creo que no, quizás podría hacer que los colores sean más fieles (conjetura). En el caso de la música, elimina los bordes ruidosos. Actúa desmagnetizando y quitando la estática del medio físico. Esa es una foto de la versión más sencilla, vendí el quadri beam hace algunos años. Enviado desde mi LG-H870 mediante Tapatalk
  9. Eternas gracias Enviado desde mi LG-H870 mediante Tapatalk
  10. Voy a tirar el comentario de la discordia, a más de uno le parecerá pasado a caca, pero es lo que hay... Para mí, si el instrumento llamado oído es bueno, sí puede ser que mande. Personalmente, he modificado la totalidad de mis aparatos (mods extensos), unos pocos han escuchado como suena el sistema, en general "dicen que suena bastante bien"... ¿qué hago para realizar mis poco ortodoxas modificaciones?, utilizar instrumentos de medición muy básicos y herramientas de la mejor calidad para lograr un acabado lo más perfecto posible, el tuneo en mi caso lo hacen mis orejas.
  11. Aparentemente el "clarifier" de Bedini usa el mismo principio: Además la descripción de éste resonador de Schumann en ebay lo confirma: ( Schumann scalar waves also can be used for EMI/RFI protection and meditation. ) Tips: You can place a CD on coil area for 10 seconds, This amazing tweak works like Bedini Clarifier or Furutech CD Demagnetizer. After treatment, sound is more clear, 3D, detail and musical. It really works !! A test for biological health effects when using Schumann Chartres resonator has done with help of my friend, with a good result ! Here is the quote : A small but notable decrease in inflammatory cytokines around 9 to 14 %. Mainly interleukin 1b, and 6 were decreased also a reduction of tumor necrosis factor alpha. A small but statistically significant reduction of blood pressure of around 10%. 13% increase in dihydroxytestosterone (perhaps this was due to better sleep).This was easy to blind and control for placebo because the unit was used in a room where no one was aware of its presence. Via EEG read out there was always a unanimous increase of alpha brainwaves.
  12. PROJECT TESLA: The wireless transmission of electrical energy using Schumann resonance It has been proven that electrical energy can be propagated around the world between the surface of the Earth and the ionosphere at extreme low frequencies in what is known as the Schumann Cavity. Experiments to date have shown that the electromagnetic waves of extreme low frequencies in the range of 8Hz, the fundamental Schumann resonance frequency, propagate with little attenuation around the planet within the Schumann resonance cavity. Knowing that a resonant cavity can be excited and that power can be delivered to that cavity similar to the methods used in microwave ovens for home use, it should be possible to resonate and deliver power via the Schumann cavity to any point on Earth. This will result in practical wireless transmission of electrical power. Background Although it was not until 1954-1959 when experimental measurements were made of the frequency that is propagated in the resonant cavity surrounding the Earth, recent analysis shows that it was Nikola Tesla who, in 1899, first noticed the existence of stationary waves in the Schumann cavity. Tesla's experimental measurements of the wavelength and frequency involved closely match Schumann's theoretical calculations. Some of these observations were made in 1899 while Tesla was monitoring the electromagnetic radiations due to lightning discharges in a thunderstorm which passed over his Colorado Springs laboratory and then moved more than 200 miles eastward across the plains. In his "Colorado Springs Notes", Tesla noted that these stationary waves "... can be produced with an oscillator," and added in parenthesis, "This is of immense importance." (6) The importance of his observations is due to the support they lend to the prime objective of the Colorado Springs laboratory. The intent of the experiments and the laboratory Tesla had constructed was to prove that wireless transmission of electrical power was possible. Schumann resonance is analogous to pushing a pendulum. The intent of Project Tesla is to create pulses or electrical disturbances that would travel in all directions around the Earth in the thin membrane of non-conductive air between the ground and the ionosphere. The pulses of waves would follow the surface of the Earth in all directions expanding outward to the maximum circumference of the Earth and contracting inward until meeting at a point opposite to that of the transmitter. This point is called the antipode. The traveling waves would be reflected back from the anti-pode to the transmitter to be reinforced and sent out again. At the time of his measurements Tesla was experimenting with and researching methods for "... power transmission and transmission of intelligible messages to any point on the globe." Although Tesla was not able to commercially market a system to transmit power around the globe, modern scientific theory and mathematical calculations support his contention that the wireless propagation of electrical power is possible and a feasible alternative to the extensive and costly grid of electrical transmission lines used today for electrical power distribution. The Need for a Wireless System of Energy Transmission A great concern has been voiced in recent years over the extensive use of energy, the limited supply of resources, and the pollution the environment from the use of present energy conversion systems. Electrical power accounts for much of the energy consumed. Much of this power is wasted during transmission from power plant generators to the consumer. The resistance of the wire used in the electrical grid distribution system causes a loss of 26-30% of the energy generated. This loss implies that our present system of electrical distribution is only 70-74% efficient. A system of power distribution with little or no loss would conserve energy. It would reduce pollution and expenses resulting from the need to generate power to overcome and compensate for losses in the present grid system. Based on the 1971 world-wide power generation of 908 million kilowatts, approximately 207 million kilowatts are being produced to make up losses. This results in a cost of 454 billion U.S. dollars at 5 cents a kilowatt. The power wasted in transmission now costs over 100 billion dollars a year. Wireless transmission of power, if fully utilized, could save over 90 billion dollars per year. Any technology that can reduce these losses and the corresponding costs is of extreme importance. The proposed project would demonstrate a method of energy distribution calculated to be 90-94% efficient. An electrical distribution system, based on this method would eliminate the need for an inefficient, costly, and capital intensive grid of cables, towers, and substations. The system would reduce the cost of electrical energy used by the consumer and rid the landscape of wires, cables, and transmission towers. There are areas of the world where the need for electrical power exists, yet there is no method for delivering power. Africa is in need of power to run pumps to tap into the vast resources of water under the Sahara Desert. Rural areas, such as those in China, require the electrical power necessary to bring them into the 20th century and to equal standing with western nations. As first proposed by Buckminster Fuller, wireless transmission of power would enable world-wide distribution of off-peak demand capacity. This concept is based on the fact that some nations, especially the United States, have the capacity to generate much more power than is needed. This situation is accentuated at night. The greatest amount of power used, the peak demand, is during the day. The extra power available during the night could be sold to the side of the planet where it is day time. Considering the huge capacity of power plants in the U.S. this system would provide a saleable product which could much to aid our balance of payments. In 1971, nine industrialized nations, (with 25% of the world's population), used 690 million kilowatts, 76% of all power generated. The rest of the world used only 218 million kilowatts. By comparison, China generated only 17 million kilowatts and India generated only 15 million kilowatts (less than two percent each). If a conservative assumption was made that the three-quarters of the world which is only using one-quarter of the current power production were to eventually consume as much as the first quarter, then an additional 908 million kilowatts will be needed. The demand for electrical power will continue to increase with the industrialization of the world. A system of wireless transmission of power would make electrical energy available to people and nations which are not now privileged with the access to power developed nations take for granted. Project Tesla: Objectives The objectives of Project Tesla are divided into three areas of investigation: 1. Demonstration that the Schumann Cavity can be resonated with an open air, vertical dipole antenna; 2. Measurement of power insertion losses; 3. Measurement of power retrieval looses; locally and at a distance. Methods A full size, 51 foot diameter, air core, radio frequency resonating coil and a 120 foot tower have been constructed and are operational at an elevation of approximately 11,000 feet (3350 meters) for the experiment. This system is centered around a very powerful resonating Tesla coil. It was originally built in 1973-1974 and used until 1982 by the United States Air Force at Wendover AFB in Wendover, Utah. The USAF used the coil for simulating natural lightning for testing and hardening fighter aircraft. The system has a capacity of 150 kilowatts. The coil, which is the largest part of the system, has already been built, tested, and is operational. A location at a high altitude is initially advantageous for reducing atmospheric losses which work against an efficient coupling to the Schumnann cavity. The high frequency, high voltage output of the coil will be half wave rectified using a uniquely designed single electrode X-ray tube. The X-ray tube will be used to electrostatically charge a 120 ft. (37 m) tall, vertical mast which will function to provide a vertical current moment. The mast is topped by a metal sphere 30 inches (75 cm) in diameter. A circulating current of 1,000 amperes in the system will create an ionization and corona causing a large virtual electrical capacitance in the medium surrounding the sphere. Discharging the antenna 7-8 times per second through a fixed or rotary spark gap will create electrical disturbances, which will resonantly excite the Schumann cavity, and propagate around the entire Earth. The propagated wave front will be reflected from the antipode and reflected to the transmitter site. The reflected wave will be reinforced and again radiated when it returns to the transmitter. As a result, an oscillation will be established and maintained in the Schumann cavity. The loss of power in the cavity has been estimated to be about 6% per round trip. If the same amount of power is put into the cavity on each cycle of oscillation of the transmitter, there will be a net energy gain which will result in a net voltage, or amplitude increase. This will result in reactive energy storage in the cavity. As long as energy is delivered to the cavity, the process will continue until the energy is removed by heating, lightning discharges, or as is proposed by this project, loading by tuned circuits at distant locations for power distribution. The resonating cavity field will be detected by stations both in the United States and overseas. These will be staffed by engineers and scientists who have agreed to participate in the experiment. Measurement of power insertion and retrieval losses will be made at the transmitter site and at distant receiving locations. Equipment constructed especially for measurement of low frequency electromagnetic waves will be employed to measure the effectiveness of using the Schumann cavity as a means of electrical power distribution. The detection equipment used by project personnel will consist of a pick-up coil and industry standard low-noise, high gain operational amplifiers and active band pass filters. In addition to project detection there will be a record of the experiment recorded by a network of monitoring stations that have been set up specifically to monitor electromagnetic activity in the Schumann cavity. This effort is headed by Dr. D.D. Sentman who is with the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics at the University of California at Los Angeles. Dr. Sentman's project is funded by Los Alamos National Laboratory, the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Dr. Sentman has agreed to participate in verification of the goal of this proposal. Evaluation Procedure The project will be evaluated by an analysis of the data provided by local and distant measurement stations. The output of the transmitter will produce a 7-8 Hz sine wave as a result of the discharges from the antenna. The recordings made by distant stations will be time synchronized to ensure that the data received is a result of the operation of the transmitter. Power insertion and retrieval losses will be analyzed after the measurements taken during the transmission are recorded. Attenuation, field strength, and cavity Q will be calculated using the equations presented in Dr. Corum's papers. If recorded results indicate power can be efficiently coupled into or transmitted in the Schumann cavity, a second phase of research involving power reception will be initiated. Regulating Agencies The Radio Regulations of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), Article 2, Section 11, Geneva; 1959, list world-wide frequency allocations from 10 kilohertz to 275 gigahertz. Frequencies below 10 kilohertz and above 275 gigahertz are not allocated. In the United States the Federal Communications Commission has allocated frequencies in accordance with ITU regulations. In effect, there is no governmental agency in the world that has jurisdiction over the frequency of operation of Project Tesla. Environmental Considerations The extreme low frequencies (ELF), present in the environment have several origins. The time varying magnetic fields produced as a result of solar and lunar influences on ionospheric currents are on the order of 30 nanoteslas. The largest time varying fields are those generated by solar activity and thunderstorms. These magnetic fields reach a maximum of 0.5 microteslas (uT). The magnetic fields produced as a result of lightning discharges in the Schumann cavity peak at 7, 14, 20 and 26 Hz. The magnetic flux densities associated with these resonant frequencies vary from 0.25 to 3.6 picoteslas per root hertz. Exposure to man-made sources of ELF can be up to 1 billion (1000 million) times stronger than that of naturally occurring fields. Household appliances operated at 60 Hz can produce fields as high as 2.5 mT. The field under a 765 kV, 60 Hz power line carrying I amp per phase is 15 uT. ELF antennae systems that are used for submarine communication produce fields of 20 uT. Video display terminals produce fields of 2 uT, 1,000,000 times the strength of the Schumann resonance frequencies. Project Tesla will use a 150 kw generator to excite the Schumann cavity. Dr. Corum's calculations predict that the field strength due to this excitation at 7.8 Hz will be on the order of 46 picoteslas. References 1. "Tesla said". Compiled by John T. Ratzlaff. Tesla Book Company. Greenville, Texas. 1984. 2. "Dr. Nikola Tesla: selected patent wrappers". Compiled by John T. Ratzlaff. Tesla Book Company, 1980, Vol. 1, p. 128. 3. Tesla, Nikola. "The disturbing influence of solar radiation on the wireless transmission of energy". Electrical Review. July 6, 1912. p. 34-5. 4. Tesla, Nikola. "The effect of static on wireless transmission". Electrical Experimenter. January 1919, p. 627, 658. 5. Corum, James T., Kenneth L. Corum. "Tesla Primer and Handbook". unpublished. 6. Tesla, Nikola. "Colorado Springs notes, 1899 - 1900". Nikola Tesla Museum. Belgrad. 1978. p. 62.
  13. Tesla's ELF enterprise In May of 1899, Tesla arrived at Colorado Springs, Colorado with $100,000. This is the same Tesla whose patented AC power system, purchased by the Westinghouse Corporation which was selected and installed in the original Niagara Falls electric power project of the 1890's. Perhaps it is not unremarkable that almost a century later most of the civilized world still employs a power generation and distribution system in virtually the same form as his early disclosures. Within three months of his arrival at Colorado Springs, he and his associates constructed a laboratory which housed a prodigious RF signal generator. The primary and secondary were wound on a circular fence 51 feet in diameter and had an input power in excess of 250 KW provided by the Colorado Springs Electric Power Company. The secondary was used to drive a helical resonator, or extra coil, 10 feet high, wound with 100 turns of c6 gauge wire on a coil form about 8 feet in diameter. Emanating from the midst of the extra coil was a tower about 150 feet high, capped with a copper sphere 3 feet in diameter. The resonant frequencies of the driving transmitter have been variously reported as between 50 KHz to 150 KHz. This transmitter, we believe, was used as one component in a recently uncovered process to produce significant currents in the vertical tower and its attachments at pulse frequencies of 7.5 Hz to 15 KHz. A very colourful account of the first time Tesla fired up his equipment is given in O'Neill's now classic, though somewhat unreliable, biography. Tesla, on various occasions actually said that he had created sparks 150 feet in length. His experiments in Colorado Springs lasted nine months and cost in excess of $200,000. Tesla returned to New York on January 21, 1900 and soon received the financial backing of J.P. Morgan, Thomas Fortune Ryan, John Jacob Astor and others. His patent application of January 18, 1902 reveals his intention to construct a massive Tesla coil driven generator for global power distribution. The installation was subsequently constructed at Wardenclyffe, Long Island in 1902. The tower was 154 feet tall and the cap sphere was 50 feet in diameter. It was never completed, however, and was destroyed during WW 1. Similar towers were to have been built at Niagara Falls, in Australia and in Europe. Tesla, however, had to abandon the Wardenclyffe project when his financial backers withdrew their support. Physical Operation Tesla had proposed that the Earth itself could be set into resonant electrical oscillations which he experimentally determined to be no lower than 6 Hz and no greater than 20 KHz. He claimed to have resonated the Earth in this frequency range by using a huge spark gap transmitter energized by the standard secondary of his monstrous Tesla Coil. His patent application of February 19, 1900, entitled "Apparatus for Transmission of Electrical Energy" is probably the closest description available of the equipment used at Colorado Springs the previous summer. Assuming Tesla's claimed demonstration of distant power transmission without wires as a working hypothesis, then a plausible physical explanation is that the discharges from the electrode at the top of his giant tower would have significant spectral components at the Schumann resonance frequencies and excite a standing wave mode in the Earth-Ionosphere cavity. These physical issues have been addressed in recently presented technical publications. The overwhelming documented technical evidence clearly substantiates the above position. Schumann Resonances In 1952, the German physicist, W. O. Schumann recognized the possibility that a somewhat unusual example of a resonant cavity might be provided by the Earth itself as one boundary surface, and the ionosphere as the other. These two concentric spheres could then form the boundaries of a resonant electromagnetic cavity. (Sea water has a conductivity of 4 Siemens/meter while the ionosphere has an effective conductivity on the order of 1 milli-Siemen/m. Evidently, the structure can easily support damped oscillations.) Determination of the cavity resonant frequencies follows from a solution of Maxwell's Equations subject to the given boundary conditions. At extremely low frequencies (ELF), where the wavelength is large compared to the effective height of the ionosphere, the electric field is essentially radial, and its amplitude distribution varies as the cosine of the polar angle measured from the position of the source antenna. Amplitude distributions for the first and second modes of oscillation of the Schumann cavity are as shown in Figure 1, when the Earth-Ionosphere cavity is excited by a source which launches vertically polarized electromagnetic waves from the North Pole.
  14. Esta Sanyo Enviado desde mi LG-H870 mediante Tapatalk
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  16. Enviado desde mi LG-H870 mediante Tapatalk
  17. Estar atento y en equilibrio y las cosas andan bien los momentos son buenos y se encuentran buenas personas en el camino. Personalmente tuve una escala técnica necesaria en la vida para re ordenarla e ir donde tú dices cuando se vuelva a encender mi tercer ojo jajaja... (en broma y en serio). Me caes bien @stolod, acerca de la analogía que haces, esa es una de mis razones para usar cámara analógica en los viajes, no me quitan las fotos tanto tiempo del necesario para contemplar lo desconocido y me llevo sólo lo necesario en el film. Acerca de los momentos de la vida, el ánimo y las condiciones óptimas para entregar lo mejor de uno mismo, Arrau fue muy dependiente de su psicoanalista durante décadas, siendo éste su apoyo emocional en muchas de sus giras y presentaciones importantes. En su romanticismo y perfección, Arrau no se permitía el no ser capaz de entregar lo mejor de él para la audiencia, pudiendo cancelar una gira o conciertos a la vuelta de la esquina, no por falta de profesionalismo, sino porque era preciso estar en condiciones "espirituales" podríamos decir, para brindar lo mejor de él. Un tipo riguroso y perfeccionista, lejos de los showman del piano, un romántico de verdad. Cuando no se sentía en equilibrio o estaba inquieto por una presentación o gira pedía a su analista que viajara y estuviera en el público como apoyo. Abrazo!
  18. Desearía no serlo , dejémoslo en una mente inquieta y demasiado analítica que le toma más tiempo que a otros avanzar por tratar de encontrar lógica al camino...
  19. Por nada y como bien dices, luego que se transforman en experiencias, son muy útiles tenerlos a mano en la memoria, es un camino por el que antes se pasa por una rabia que intoxica y mucha frustración, pero siempre llegará el día en que se transforme finalmente en experiencia útil. Si el culpable recibirá o no su castigo, en esta vida o en otra o probablemente nunca, ya no es asunto mío, aprendí que lo mejor es dejar ir y pasar página a castigarme yo por la sinvergüenzura de otros... no más tratos de palabra o de amigo, aunque me duela ya que me gusta creer en la honorabilidad de las personas, no queda más que volverse legalista, prefiero eso que volverme hipócrita. En una bodega tengo guardada la biografía de Arrau en español por Horowitz, es un "tesoro" que vale la pena leer y que me emocionó hasta apretarme la garganta en muchos pasajes. Muy recomendable si la encuentras Con el tiempo iré recuperando e incrementando la obra de Arrau en mi discoteca :-)
  20. Mi chileno favorito y al que más admiro. Coleccioné unas cuantas de sus grabaciones, varios box sets en lp y discos. Lamentablemente una mala jugada mía al mudarme de Chile y por confiado con delincuentes doble cara me cagaron (hurto) con todos éstos y muchisimos más, básicamente toda mi colección de lp's y algunos muebles. Al menos conservé lo que tenía en cd's y cassettes... En fin cosas que uno prefiere olvidar y seguir adelante por eso no lo comenté antes y luego de esto lo vuelvo a encapsular en alguna carpeta zip de mi inconsciente. Les comparto el programa original de la visita del maestro en 1954. Enviado desde mi LG-H870 mediante Tapatalk
  21. Lamentablemente me parece cierto tanto lo bueno como lo malo de este luthier chileno. Personalmente conservo hace unos 15 años un par de woofers de él que han sido quizás los mejores de mi vida... Aún no renuncio a implementarlos de alguna forma en algún sistema futuro. Enviado desde mi LG-H870 mediante Tapatalk
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